What I'm Wearing - 8/23/10

| at 2:47 AM
Labels: clubbing, dinner, lacy, weekend | at 9:05 PM
Labels: dress, headband, oxfords, polka dots | at 10:39 PM
Labels: flowy top, hairband, shorts, steve madden boots | at 3:30 PM
| at 9:00 PM
| at 2:43 PM
Hey everyone! So Ashley of Candy Kawaii Lover is having a contest on her blog. Four readers can win a dress from PEARLAVISH in either lavender or icy blue.
In order to enter the contest, you must:
1. Be a follower of her blog
2. Follow her facebook page
3. Comment on her blog with which color dress you'd prefer.
You can also get extra chances to win by following her twitter, becoming a fan on chictopia, and reposting about the contest on your blog like I did!
For contest rules and to enter, >CLiCK HeRE<
PS~ outfit post coming in a few hours! get excited! =]
| at 9:41 PM